viernes, 20 de abril de 2018

the political, social and economical situation in countries of south america by valentino gomez

the political, social and economical situation in countries of south america  Title
 by valentino gomez


In colombia  present constitution, enacted on July 5, 1991, strengthened the administration of justice with the provision for introduction of an adversial system which ultimately is to entirely replace the existing napoleonic code. In peru is emerging as a strong counterbalance to the once-dominant executive branch, with increased oversight and investigative powers. The executive branch and Congress are attempting to reform the judicial branch, antiquated and rife with corruption. And ecuador is have historically been small, loose organizations that depended more on populist, often charismatic, leaders to retain support than on programs or ideology. Frequent internal splits have produced extreme factionalism. However, a pattern has emerged in which administrations from the center-left alternate with those from the center-right.


-The Popular Sector and Populism.
-  Liberatory Power as Hyperpotentia and the State of Rebellion.
-The Politi cal Pri nciples of Liberation: The C ritical Material Principle.
-The Critical-D emocratic and St rategic Transformation Principles.
- Liberation Praxis of Social and Political Movements.
-Transformation of Political Inst itutions: Reform, Tr ansformation, Revolution: Political Postulates.

Body process and consecuences

In this countries issues associated with the body such as rape, contraception, hair and clothing styles, pregnancy, or sexual harassment were not traditionally seen as “political” and thus were seen as outside the provenance of political science. But bodies are at the core of the political order as markers of status and power. Contemporary societies tend to segregate not only access to political power but also work, religious life, domestic work, and intimate relationships according to the sex and race of the bodies they organize. Our social, economic, and political worlds are organized to reflect these habitual and legal patterns. The corridors of power are structured to accommodate the associated characteristics of male, heterosexual bodies of dominant racial and ethnic groups. Advancement requires assimilation to the norms associated with powerful bodies: women must dress like men and warehouse their babies far from the breasts at which they feed; the schedules upon which they work are not accommodative of parental responsibilities; African American women and men straighten, cut, or otherwise downplay their distinctive hair; family laws assume and restrict relations of intimacy and the structure of families according to the sex, race, and religion of bodies. In many countries female bodies may not be warriors, those perpetrators of violence, but are marked as vulnerable to violence, as women are the disproportionate victims of rape and intimate violence. Violence polices the boundaries of approved sexual relations, as deviations from normative heterosexuality, racial hierarchies, and approved modes of masculinity and femininity are punished with harassment, bullying, battering, and sexual assault. Bodies are powerful symbols and sources of social power and privilege on one hand and subordination and oppression on the other.


If the Colombian government were to fulfill its commitments in the accord’s first chapter, on Comprehensive Rural Reform, the Colombia, peru and ecuador countries side would cease to be a hospitable place for coca growing. These commitments include a national mapping of landholdings and massive land titling; constructing tertiary roads and irrigation systems; and enhancing electrification, education, health, food security programs, and access to credit, among others. Much of these are public goods that you’d expect any government to provide for its citizens. Still, it will be expensive to put them all in place over the  years the accord foresees, especially in distant agricultural frontier zones settled by generations of displacement.

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